No AC and No Sleep Makes Mary Something Something

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Go crazy?

That's the one.

I came home from my last day of school yesterday. All I wanted was a nap. I walked in and the house was HOT. I checked the inside unit. Running. Checked the outside unit, running. Called the dh, then my brother. Brother sighed and said he'd be over in a couple of hours. He'd been working since 6:30 and was exhausted - he's not fully healed.

We hoped it was a grounded wire, but the compressor finally died.

The GOOD news was that we had bought a new outdoor unit last year but Brother was too ill to put it in. The bad news is he wasn't able to put it in last night. He was so tired, he didn't even want to get dinner with us.

The boy went to spend the night at a friend's. I took a cold shower and went to bed. The dh slept on the couch with a ceiling fan and a box fan (it's actually not too bad in the living area, but the bedrooms are awful.) Brother is coming back in a couple of hours to install the new unit, with the boy's help.

The other good news is that as soon as Brother leaves, I can crank up the AC and go back to bed. I'm so glad school is out!

The BEST news is that JDM is going to be on The View this AM!!!



Esri Rose said...

Oh, man... What are your temperatures like there?

School is out! Yay, for you!

Anonymous said...

HUGE hugs, Mary. UGH!

MJFredrick said...

It was 97 and humid yesterday...bleh. But at least I have my brother at my beck and call. No service charge, but I owe him dinner. And it's MUCH cooler in here today!


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I'm a mom, a wife, a teacher and a writer. I have five cats and a dog to keep me company. I love bookstores and libraries and Netflix - movies are my greatest weakness.
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