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Yes, Jill? ;)
I know, I'm not going to be able to leave this on here. It's just too disgusting.
Ack! I think I have the heebies, and I even like Jude Law.
It's just - nasty. I may have to put up TWO Gerry pics tomorrow ;)
MUH GAWD someone hadn that poor child a pack of razors and the # to an electrolysis clinic!
I'm thinking hot wax....
OK, that is gross.
Sorry, Peggy....
Does the Gerry picture make up for it?
Must make his ex's all happy--that photot LOL
How did it get past him or his handlers, I wonder? Do they not get the grossness?
Is that Jude Law? OMG!!!!!! Eeeek.
Colleen, wondering who kidnapped Mary and what they've done with her
LOL, isn't that the nastiest thing??
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