Ew, ew, ew!!!

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Jill Monroe said...


MJFredrick said...

Yes, Jill? ;)

I know, I'm not going to be able to leave this on here. It's just too disgusting.

Trish Milburn said...

Ack! I think I have the heebies, and I even like Jude Law.

MJFredrick said...

It's just - nasty. I may have to put up TWO Gerry pics tomorrow ;)

Amie Stuart said...

MUH GAWD someone hadn that poor child a pack of razors and the # to an electrolysis clinic!

MJFredrick said...

I'm thinking hot wax....

Anonymous said...

OK, that is gross.

MJFredrick said...

Sorry, Peggy....

Does the Gerry picture make up for it?

Toni Anderson said...

Must make his ex's all happy--that photot LOL

MJFredrick said...

How did it get past him or his handlers, I wonder? Do they not get the grossness?

Colleen Gleason said...

Is that Jude Law? OMG!!!!!! Eeeek.

Colleen, wondering who kidnapped Mary and what they've done with her

MJFredrick said...

LOL, isn't that the nastiest thing??


M.J. Fredrick's books on Goodreads
Breaking DaylightBreaking Daylight
ratings: 11 (avg rating 3.33)

Beneath the SurfaceBeneath the Surface
ratings: 11 (avg rating 4.00)

Hot ShotHot Shot (Samhain)
reviews: 2
ratings: 10 (avg rating 4.00)

Where There's SmokeWhere There's Smoke
ratings: 6 (avg rating 4.00)

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Where There's Smoke

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