
I got my contest results back from Spring into Romance and while my scores weren’t great, I got some good comments. Some of the comments echoed my own concerns with this manuscript. See, I want my characters to end up working together on a ship after sharing a one night stand, something neither of them thought would lead to anything. My problem is, apparently, that my heroine is not motivated enough to do something like this. Heroes are easy to motivate for this, but heroines?

So, keeping in mind that my 16 year old brother visits this site, I want to ask, what do you think motivates a woman to have a one night stand with a man she’s just met and never expects to see again? I mean, I gave her a motivation, but don’t want to influence you ;)

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Anonymous said...

My sister knew someone who had a one night stand to get revenge for a relationship that just ended badly. The boyfriend broke her heart. This woman ended up spending years with the one night stand.

Kelly (Lynn) Parra said...

Um, feeling very unsexy with overwork and stress, decides to chuck all her caution for one night of fun. Or she's drunk. ;) They just went through a near death experience together, adrenaline is fresh, and they're dang happy to be alive. =)

MJFredrick said...

Bonnie got it in one! That's the motivation I gave her. She just saw her ex with another woman and is feeling down, and here this sexy guy gives her attention, so....

But Kelly, I'm liking the adrenaline thing. Could be verrrry sexy.

Anonymous said...

HI, Mary! Seems you have enough motivation for your heroine without my input. I also like Kelly's suggestion with adrenaline and danger.

Anonymous said...

Revenge is interesting, though it makes me wonder about her state of mind at the time. She's hurting herself if she does that.

Adrenaline rush is good, though. :)

MJFredrick said...

Michelle, adding the aspect that she's hurting herself could make it even more powerful, do you think? I don't know. Sounds deeper to me.

Olga, howdy! I hope everything is looking up for you. We were talking about you at the SARA meeting tonight, how you got ME started blogging and I got JoAnn started blogging! You're a bad influence!

Jill Monroe said...

Mary - for the sake of your brother - what motivates a woman to have a one-night stand, is a very responsible man, one who has a high level of education either in college or trade, is obviously good to animals and people, likes to listen, will vaccuum, and offers to rub your feet.

MJFredrick said...

Jill, ;)

Only my heroine just meets this guy. I don't know. Maybe they should just meet on the ship, but I wanted some tension there to begin with, you know, a kind of, "I don't NEED this" thing.

Anonymous said...

Mar, what comes to my mind is that the motivation has to do more with her than with him. Giving herself permission to "be bad" just once, letting herself go, knowing that she will not have consequences from this because she will never see him again (not!). Letting herself do what she wouldn't normally do, "just this once," simply because he's beautiful and he wants her, and she really really needs that validation right now.


MJFredrick said...

I agree, JoAnn. Apparently I'm not letting this come through in that first chapter, though.


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Hot ShotHot Shot (Samhain)
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