Talk Amongst Yourselves

I loooove road trips. I love planning them, I love sittinginthepassengerseatwhilemyhusbanddrivesthroughstrangecitiesandstates. Hey, I offer to drive, he just feels it best that I don't. So I take my entertainment - books, my ms, CDs. The Harlequin bag I got from NY is STUFFED. (Yes, I'm one of those who packs everything JUST IN CASE. We're going to be gone 7 days and we have 5 bags. 5 small bags, but....)

I love vacations. I love getting away from it all. I love seeing new things. But at the same time I get really homesick. I miss my pets. I miss my bed. I MISS MY INTERNET! And I worry. I worry if I turned the thermostat so the AC won't run all day, if my house is secure, if my mother, who's checking on the pets, will notice that I didn't clean the bathroom this week. Honestly, last night I couldn't go to sleep because I was worried I'd forget to take a couple of extra CDs. Like listening to the radio would kill me.

So, I'm off, in about thirty minutes. I'll try to check in, since we're taking the laptop, but I have a feeling time with that will be a rare commodity. So, have a good week and see you in a few days!

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Anonymous said...

Have a great time, Mary :)


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your road trip!!

Anonymous said...

Have fun, Mar! Thank you for the pic of Gerard before you left!!!


Trish Milburn said...

Mary, I hope you're having a good time on the road. I love road trips too. I'm looking forward to my first long-distance train trip in a couple of weeks. I'll have to blog about that.

Kelly Boyce said...

Hope you have a great road trip - and wonderful pix of Gerry!

Kelly (Lynn) Parra said...

Have a good time, Mary! And don't worry about the bathroom. It will be there to clean next week. ;D - Kel

Anonymous said...

Have a safe trip and wonderful time, and don't worry about anything!

Anonymous said...

ARGH - can't remember my password, so can't log in as me. Anyway, we didn't much care for Kansas - rain, hail, and what we were pretty sure was a funnel cloud RIGHT OVER US!! A white knuckled ride, for sure. We should be in MN by supper tomorrow, though.

I rewrote the first 6 or so pages on my WIP. I used my Alpha Smart, so I'm not sure. It ended up cutting 16 pages. GULP.

Also, I was reading Black Rose, so decided to listen to the RWA chat with Nora. Our writing styles are so similar (other than the 6-8 hour days) so why am I not selling?? ;)

Anyway, if you hear anything about the Molly, post here. I think I'll at least be able to check my blog.

Colleen Gleason said...

Question of the Day:
Is Gerry taking it off or putting it on?


Anonymous said...

LOL, Colleen! I imagine him putting it back on.


Trish Milburn said...

Mary, wow, you all made it a long way today. I know your butts and backs must be aching. This from a person who once drove from North Sioux City, South Dakota to Nashville, Tenn., in one day. DON'T want to do that again.


M.J. Fredrick's books on Goodreads
Breaking DaylightBreaking Daylight
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Beneath the SurfaceBeneath the Surface
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Hot ShotHot Shot (Samhain)
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ratings: 10 (avg rating 4.00)

Where There's SmokeWhere There's Smoke
ratings: 6 (avg rating 4.00)

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I'm a mom, a wife, a teacher and a writer. I have five cats and a dog to keep me company. I love bookstores and libraries and Netflix - movies are my greatest weakness.
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Where There's Smoke

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