Talk about wanting it bad enough!!

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Interestingly, they interviewed Eva Longoria, who's dating Tony Parker, our point guard. She said the NBA Finals were more exciting than Desperate Housewives winning the Golden Globe. So I was pondering this....the Golden Globes are someone's opinion. You can work hard, but it boils down to how someone accepts what you do. The NBA Finals are blood, sweat and tears - pure effort gets you to the top.


Anonymous said...

For writers, I think it's a combination of both. We have to have the skills to make it to the editor's desk. But in the end, it's someone else's opinions. It's a crazy career we have, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your team winning, Mary :)


MJFredrick said...

Michelle, you're right, though I think we're more along the Golden Globes bit, hard work that gets recognized. Okay, maybe Oscars, not Golden Globes ;)

Bonnie, you can't imagine. I don't think the city slept last night. When I turned off the TV after 1, the news was still on, people were downtown partying, people were at Academy buying the Championship t-shirts, cars were lined up on the highway - it was incredible. This is our third championship in 7 years, and while the first one was the best, it's just so much fun.

Now, off to buy a t-shirt and to talk the dh into taking me to the parade tomorrow....

Anonymous said...

We were partying here at the house! Now my daughter wants to find the few t-shirts left in this town, LOL. Great night!


MJFredrick said...

JoAnn, the lady at HEB said they'd be getting the shirts in today, so I haven't bought mine yet. I'll wait to get them at the grocery store.

Mostly I want to know how much caffeine does it take to keep you awake when you were up till 1:30? I'd go back to bed now, but my son hasn't woken up yet, and I hate to miss lunch with him.

MJFredrick said...

Pah - the grocery store t-shirts were not the official ones, and Academy only had XL and XXL left. I got one for my dad, but as big as I am, the XL is too big. Will try another Academy tomorrow.


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Beneath the SurfaceBeneath the Surface
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Hot ShotHot Shot (Samhain)
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Where There's SmokeWhere There's Smoke
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