Why is Jeff Goldblum sexy?

He's on Letterman right now and I just - I adore him! Is it the voice? The confidence? How cut he was in Independence Day?

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Anonymous said...

I suspect it's the intelligence he radiates. I mean how cool was he in Jurassic Park?

Amie Stuart said...

I agree on the intelligence but there's an understated, sly, aw-shucks quality there too. hard to put my finger on.

MJFredrick said...

Yeah, he's always kinda nerdy. He's very intelligent, from what I saw on Letterman. Plus he's funny. I agree on the aww, shucks bit, too.

Anonymous said...

He comes off as the kind of guy who'd be witty and wild, but not arrogant or uncaring. That rare kind of man you could talk to about anything for hours. Smart is sexy.



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Beneath the SurfaceBeneath the Surface
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Hot ShotHot Shot (Samhain)
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Where There's SmokeWhere There's Smoke
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