Network Vs. Cable

We hardly ever watch cable anymore. Time was, it was TNT, TBS, USA, all these other networks to fill in for what WASN'T on network TV. We always have had cable, since we were married. But now the Big Four have gotten so good, with such quality programming, I think we could live without cable (except Sci Fi - I might end up divorced if I tried to get rid of Sci Fi).

Sunday night used to be a no-TV night for me. THANKS, Grey's Anatomy.

Monday it's 24. OMG, did you see it last night? Do you believe Audrey?

Tuesday - when I'm not writing it's American Idol. Or DVDs.

Wednesday - I LOVE Wednesdays! Bones, Lost, Invasion to a lesser extent. I want to see Heist, too!

Thursday - Earl and Office.

Friday - nothing, usually.

Saturday - nothing.

Hey, you'd think I'd be getting more writing done, huh?

What do you watch? Could you live without cable?

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Anonymous said...

Yep. I could live without cable. We went for 2 1/2 years without and would have continued on if not for my husband's job. I don't watch any shows on a regular basis other than Ghost Hunters and Most Haunted. Some shows I'll watch if they're on but usually not.

Anonymous said...

Not only can I not live without cable, I've also got satellite so I can get the channels I want on there. *g*

Sundays - Cold Case, L&O: Criminal Intent, Crossing Jordan (though this is one I can take or leave)

Mondays - 24, CSI: Miami, and the crime/mystery movies on BBC America when they have one I like

Tuesdays - NCIS, The Unit, Amazing Race

Wednesdays - Bones, Lost, Criminal Minds, Veronica Mars, Invasion (which they better bring back or I'm gonna be pissed), Heist is kind of interesting

Thursdays - Survivor, CSI, Without a Trace

Friday - Stargate: SG-1 & Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica, Doctor Who (while the former shows are on hiatus), Ghost Whisperer, Numbers

Saturdays - are usually my free night unless Hallmark is showing one of their mystery movies

I also love Digging for the Truth on the History Channel.

Yes. My name is Tori and I'm a tv-aholic....

Dana Pollard said...

I don't watch much TV. Strange, I know, but I don't. It could be due to the fact that the kiddies have to watch Disney all the time, or the hubby has to watch the History or Discovery channel. He'll even come in a quiet TV noise free room, turn it on, find something to watch, and walk out... leaving the TV on. Strange, strange man. I could live without cable, but the family couldn't.

Oh, I watched Heist. If you liked Oceans 11, you'll LOVE Heist. Besides, Dougray is in it. :)

Trish Milburn said...

Monday -- nothing
Tuesday -- American Idol
Wednesday -- LOST, Invasion
Thursday -- Survivor
Friday -- Stargate Atlantis and Battlestar Galactica when they're on
Saturday -- nothing
Sunday -- Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

We also love The Daily Show on Comedy Central, Book Notes on C-SPAN2, various programming on Discovery, History Channel, TLC, etc., and movies and sports here and there.

Jill Monroe said...

Mary - it's gotten to the point where I have to force myself NOT to watch a new show. Despite the fact that I've been avoiding it - I watched Heist. And it was excellent.

I gave up on Invasion - I just couldn't devote another hour of my day. Will not miss Earl or the Office!!

Natalie J. Damschroder said...

Dana, it's not strange. For years, I watched almost no TV, and the shows I watched, I usually taped and watched a couple of weeks later, when I felt like vegging.

Then came last season. And LOST. And that's what happened to the rest of my life. :)

Actually, this year I'm doing a lot more recording and a lot less running for the TV, but I do have a lot of shows on my slate:

Monday - Prison Break
(started watching for Dominic Purcell of John Doe)
Tuesday - Scrubs
(only comedy worth watching--I can take or leave, husband loves it)
Wednesday - LOST and Alias (starting next month)
(No need to explain that one, obviously :)
Thursday - nothing
(For the first time in 25 years)
Friday - Numb3rs
(We usually accumulate 3 or 4 episodes before watching)

Just finished seasons 1-4 of Smallville and am hoping to get some eps of 5 recorded this summer so I don't have to wait until September for the DVDs. Don't get WB on our satellite dish (no local station), so season 6 will be hit or miss.

As for cable...NFL Network. I will pay for 150 channels I don't watch, just to get that one. :)

Dee Tenorio said...

Natalie--I almost disowned my sister for getting the NFL Network when I couldn't, lol. Still don't have it (and as a result, lol, I didn't know my Quarterback had been released! WHINE!!!)

I only get cable when my sister lives with me and tune in channels the rest of the time. It's an expense I usually just get movies to handle. But, now my son is hooked on Cartoon network and yes, I've become a tv mom so I can write. I'm addicted to Japanese dramas and comedies, Idol, much of the time and Grey's Anatomy. I can pass most other shows because there's always something I'm supposed to be doing, lol.


Toni Anderson said...

To be honest I'm confused as to what's cable and what isn't. We have a digi box. I need to see my BBC world news and some BBC programs on BBC Canada.

I watch American Idol. ER. I love the CSI's but only watch if I'm not writing. Keep missing Invasion though I want to watch it. DH is a reality TV addict. Amazing Race is his thing :D And he watches sport a lot.

KATZ said...

We don't have cable - not since having twins. And, as Dana said, if the TV is on, my girls are in Disneyworld.

I set aside one night a week, after they are in bed, to watch my reality TV shows at my sister's house on TiVo.

Survivor, Amazing Race, The Apprentice are my main staple.

BUT, I also just bought season 1 of Lost on DVD for my husband's b-day. LOVE that show now, and could never stand to watch it week-to-week! :)

MJFredrick said...

Wow, Tess, you have some serious diiscipline there! Now that Tori mentioned The Unit, and it's on, must not watch. Must write.

Peggy, wasn't it awesome? I loved that character. I loved how everyone loved that character. I still don't know how I got hooked on a show so quickly - saw one episode and bought the first season.

Tori, OMG, LOL! I feel much better now (though I forgot I like Las Vegas on Fridays, too). My mom keeps trying to get me to watch those Hallmark movies, but I just can't squeeze them in.

Dana, when my son was little, we had one TV and I watched very little adult TV. I missed almost all of Buffy. I did watch Friends and Spurs games, though. You'll catch up ;) My dh does the same thing with the TV (and did I mention the computer is in the living room???)

Jill, Trish talked me out of watching The Evidence the other night by saying she wasn't going to start watching a new show. I'm ready to let Invasion go, too....someday. And if Josh Duhamel on Las Vegas wasn't such a cutie, I'd let that one slide, too.

Natalie, wow on watching Thursday nights for 25 years. Must See TV? The Cosbys all the way to Friends, right?

Dee, Japanese shows? Where do you find these? And can YOU explain why I love Grey's Anatomy??? (Dee can explain anything!)

Actually, Stacy, I've pared back more this year than in the past. At seven PM, I would be on the couch with remote in hand, no matter what was on. Now I try to have appointment TV.

Toni, you're watching the new ERs? I just can't get past gloomy...oh, whassername, Luka's girlfriend. She was so cute on Newsradio and I just want to slap her on ER.

Sarah, how cute that you go to your sis's to watch reality shows! A Tivo is definitely on my wish list...hey, maybe I'll get that when I sell!

Shesawriter said...

Cable used to be my staple because TV just wasn't cutting it. Now I'm addicted to Lost, The Apprentice, Medium, American Idol and a few others. Now cable isn't working for me. The sci fi channel has turned into a two-note song. I now call it the Battlestar gallactica/stargate channel. I'm sick of it all.

Anonymous said...

I watch 24. Gack, did George Lucas write that romance dialogue or what? The storyline between Jack and Audrey is awful. She is not in any way right for him. Ick!

MJFredrick said...

LOL on the 24 dialogue - no kidding! And no, the only female on the show I've felt worthy of Jack was Kate. She started out wimpy, but showed her worth.

MJFredrick said...

Tanya, I could easily live without cable, too. We don't even watch the movies (we don't have premium channels, but FX and TNT used to do a lot of movies.)

Natalie J. Damschroder said...

Dee, I feel for you!

Mary, you got it. The Cosby Show, A Different World...there were periods of no TV in there, in between the good shows, yes, and some good shows that didn't make it (I loved Stark Raving Mad) and some we watched from habit (like Will and Grace). We did half a season of Joey and were completely disappointed.

MJFredrick said...

I never did see Joey, so we stopped watching Thursdays last year. I'd thought they were moving Earl to Thursdays, but they brought him back.

Nikki, I blame YOU for my Grey's Anatomy fixation ;) But yeah, I'm glad summer is coming so I can have my movie nights back!


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Breaking DaylightBreaking Daylight
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Beneath the SurfaceBeneath the Surface
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Hot ShotHot Shot (Samhain)
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Where There's SmokeWhere There's Smoke
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