5 Crazy Things
Cindy tagged me with 5 Crazy Things About Me. The hard part was not thinking up five crazy things, it was thinking of five crazy things you don’t already know about me.
1) I eat the same thing for breakfast every day. Every day. And no, I’m not telling you, because it’s NOT healthy.
2) I know The Grinch by heart. Can’t remember important things, but I know that.
3) I used to be able to put my whole fist in my mouth. (I’m afraid to try it now.) How did I find this out? Fred’s girlfriend before me could do it. Of course, she had a smaller fist and a bigger mouth.
4) I worry about stupid things, like whether the Tivo has enough room for today’s Battlestar Galactica marathon. (You probably already knew this about me, though.)
5) I get really cranky when I’m hungry, especially for breakfast. Like I couldn’t go without a meal!
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- MJFredrick
- I'm a mom, a wife, a teacher and a writer. I have five cats and a dog to keep me company. I love bookstores and libraries and Netflix - movies are my greatest weakness.
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I eat the same breakfast every day too. Creature of habit. But it's healthy, probably the healthiest thing I eat all day. It's all a downhill scramble after that.
I cracked up on #3. I think this year at Nationals we ought to see if you can still do it. ;)
The ONLY reason I eat breakfast is so I can take my vitamins. And I have to eat very little because if I eat too much I get sleepy and then I can't write. But if I don't eat enough, my vitamins make me sick. But if I don't take my vitamins, I get brain fog and can't write. See how crazy this is? LOL! It's a delicate balancing act.
Tanya, vitamins make me sick on an empty stomach, too.
Kelly, I WISH I could be healthy. And I could, if I'd just give up my comfort food!
Cindy, not likely I'll be at National this year. I'd be afraid to try it now that I'm OLD. What if my jaw locked and my hand got stuck????
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