Seven of Cups
Remember on my top ten list of books for 2006, I mentioned two unpublished books? Well, one of them is now published.
Seven of Cups by Joanna K. Moore is available at Triskelion.
Isuelt (isn't that the greatest name?) MacPherson has denied the magic that's run in her family for centuries. She's contented herself with the life of a small-town girl, serving as a cocktail waitress, dating local boys, convincing herself this is the life she wants, as long as she's near her family. When her lover Sean was killed last year, the resulting media storm chased her farther into the background. She watched as her sister Selene used her gift to solve that crime, but still Izzy denies her own gift.
Yet when Eric Baxter comes to town, she senses he's trouble. The two hit it off like gasoline and fire. When she learns he's in town to write a true crime novel about Sean's murder, she slams shut the door on her own emotions.
Another person she's come to care about is murdered and she has to face who she really is, find her own strengths, strengths she's never allowed herself to recognize.
Izzy is an incredible heroine, strong even though she doesn't see the strength in herself. Smart, though she doesn't know her own resourcefulness. And wickedly loyal, even if it puts her in danger.
Give her a smart, sexy hero in Eric Baxter, her beloved sister and family, and a familiar in the form of a white cat named Finnian, and she can tackle an evil she never thought possible.
Seven of Cups is Joanna's second book, a sequel to Three of Swords. Joanna weaves a wonderful story of romance, family and mystery, with an overtone of the paranormal. But don't expect to be able to put it down - she's a master at end of chapter hooks!
It's going to be cold cold cold this week! I hope it stops raining long enough for me to get my plants inside! And I need to run to the grocery store and Blockbuster, and Academy to get the dh long underwear - he has to work the MLK march on Monday, and the high is expected to be 29!!! We don't do that kind of weather in San Antonio!
I was surfing around yesterday and found this - what a hoot! My favorite is the Dude Meter.
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- MJFredrick
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(((((((((((Mar)))))))))))))) Thank you, Mary!
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