You Say You Want a Resolution....
I'm watching the last season of Dark Angel, I think, the one with Joshua and Alec. If I'm right, the last episode shows Max (Jessica Alba) riding her motorcycle into "Freak Nation," where all the mutant transgenics are hiding, and raising a flag. Is that the very last episode of the series? Was there no resolution to that show?
And look at Invasion. Started with a hurricane, ended with a hurricane with Larkin's pregnant dead body being taken out to the ocean. And then??? Oh, sorry, cancelled!
At least Buffy and Angel were allowed to end. (I think the Angel series finale was second only to MASH.)
Now they're talking about setting a series finale date for LOST so they can resolve the loose ends, and probably will need to do so for Prison Break and Battlestar Galactica, whose ratings are declining.
What cancelled shows do you need to see resolved? What shows need to bow out gracefully?
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Is Lost being cancelled? I hope not on Battlestar...DH will be inconsolable if they cancel that.
Meanwhile, I am hooked on the Dresden Files.
The only thing I'm really hooked on righ now is Grey's. But if Lost gets cancelled, my best friend and her hubby are going to be so upset!
Actually, I hope they're planning on cancelling Lost. I was really into it at first, but this past season it's been way too over the top and not even close to believable or coherently written for me.
But not Prison Break! Say it isn't so...although I suppose they do have a finite number of plotlines they can follow there. Wonder if it's another one they never planned to succeed as well as it did?
Hey Mary...I haven't watched these, but I just got the first DVD for Veronica Mars, season 1, and have watched the pilot. Really liked it!
Oh, and I tagged you today. :-)
Lost is not being canceled.
The producers have said FROM THE BEGINNING that they figured the show had four seasons in it, MAYBE five. The problem was, they don't have control. The network has control, and the success of the first season was so high the concern was that the network would want to stretch it out as long as possible.
Damon and Carlton have said since the beginning of season 2 that they didn't want it to come to that, and that they wouldn't take it longer than it should go, but that ABC could continue with different show-runners. Now they are actively pursuing a legal agreement to end the show when they always believed it should end--which would be the end of NEXT season.
It averaged #7 in the ratings for the first half of the year, and had only 6 episodes. So I don't think anyone can say the ratings are slipping.
No offense, allie, but when was ever "close to believable"? :) What with polar bears and psychic kids and men who can miraculously use their legs and stuff.
Prison Break's "season finale" is April SECOND. That's up to 8 weeks earlier than anyone else. I have a feeling it won't be back next year, so I hope the finale wraps things up well.
John Doe was a show that ended on a cliffhanger and never got resolved. EW had a blurb once about what the answers were supposed to be, and they made NO sense.
LOL on your new avatar, J!
As far as I know, the only one in danger of being cancelled is BSG. Entertainment Weekly said the LOST folks want an end date so they can start working toward it. My ds pointed out it wouldn't be this year because they've already shot a lot of the shows, right?
Allie, I'm thinking they're going to have to find a resolution for PB, though they sure threw a wrench in the works the end of this week's episode!
Natalie, April SECOND??? That's only....10 more episodes!
Colleen, I have the first season of VM, but I haven't watched it yet. I saw a few episodes last year, so I was intrigued.
I remember John Doe. Sad they didn't finish that one.
JoAnn, I'm enjoying Dresden Files, too.
I know, I know, I watch WAY too much TV!
I HATED the way they ended Dark Angel. What they did with Surface sucked.
Veronica Mars always brings the mystery to a nice conclusion at the end. ( I LOVE this show)
Lost has lost me. I LOVED it at first, but it seems like the writers have no idea what's going on.
Mary Beth, that was the series ending of Dark Angel, right? Too sad if it was.
What season of VM is this? 2 or 3?
This is season three of Veronica Mars. It's also one of my favorites.
I love PB, but I do believe there is a finite number of shows they can do with that one. Though now I have no idea how they're going to bring the truth out.
I watched PB last night and I'm with you guys. There's no hope.
Oh, well, at least we get to see...something happen with Michael and Sara soon. :)
I just watched VM on DVD, myself, and definitely the first two seasons were better. She suddenly got really dumb when she went to college, which is the antithesis of why I loved the first seasons.
Mary Beth, I was going to semi-argue with you (it doesn't matter what the reality is, only the perception). I was going to say GUARANTEE the writers know what they are doing. But then I realized, the MAIN writers know. The individual episode writers probably only know what they have to, to move the story forward. Only Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelhof know everything that's going to happen. They do it deliberately because the characters don't have any clue what's going to happen, and they are aiding authenticity. But I can see why it loses some people. I still enjoy it. :)
I still enjoy Lost, too, but I'm not one to try to figure stuff out...I kind of let the writers take me along.
Yeah, Trish, how ARE they going to learn the truth??
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