The fireworks are popping like crazy in the neighborhood, the TV is playing the same music they play EVERY year during the downtown display. Do we NEED to hear Celebration again??? At least we can see it this year - no fog! Oh, they just showed one of the former mayors dancing to Vanilla Ice - the woman has to be 80! No one needs to see that! I hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday!
I was cruising by Jennifer Crusie's blog and saw she had a list of five indulgences she would allow herself this year. What an idea! I'm anti-goal and -resolution this year, but the indulgence thing I can get behind. So here are mine:
1) crochet more. I hardly did at all in 2006, and I have a box of yarn. Even if I do nothing but those stupid scarves, I love the feel of the soft yarn.
2) put more time into decorating the house. I love when my house looks nice, I just need to put the time into it. (Yes, this is kind of work, but the payoff is the indulgence, see?)
3) guilt free dinners out, once a week
4) guilt free TV one hour a night (but I can bank those hours like Weight Watchers points, see? Or I could watch more and just feel guilty ;) )
5) mocha from Starbucks once a week
What will your indulgences be this year?
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Happy New Year! Congratulations on the final.
And if that was former Lila Cockrell dancing to Vanilla Ice...
Happy New Year, Mary!!! :)
Yes, Michele, it was Lila. Eek!
Thanks for the congrats!
Peggy, that sounds lovely - and will have to probably wait till next year so I can steal it!
Indulgence...I'm going to go to our SARA meeting on Wednesday nights, and my circle meeting on Thursday nights, and NOT feel guilty for being out of the house two nights in a row!
Love the Alcott quote.
Happy New Year Mary!!!!
Pedicures, at least four this year! And walking, because I know it'll make me feel better and if I consider it an indulgence instead of exercise then.... *g*
JoAnn, that sounds wonderful!
Amie, I've never had a pedicure, much to Cindi's dismay. I don't think I could sit still that long (unless I had a computer in front of me!)
A Memoire, thanks for stopping by! I am a quote freak!
I think I'm going to take a cue from Amie - pedicures!
Maybe I need to try these ped-i-cures ;)
Happy New Year, Mary! My indulgence is the same as my resolution--I am going to try to slow down and not pile so many deadlines and responsibilities on myself. My kids are only going to be young once....
And I'm going to try to do those stained glass mosaic lamps I've been meaning to make for four years now--another indulgence.
Tracy, you definitely need to slow down and enjoy your kids. It's really amazing how fast they change, and then they're taller than you and yelling at you because you want to check out a venue before you let them play a gig....oh, sorry. The lamps sound lovely! Post a picture when you do one!
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