A Good Teaching Day, Needles, Grey's and Supernatural
Yesterday was our writing workshop day. We had some interuptions - computer lab, library, and a BMX show (a reward for doing well in our last fundraiser) - but we spent the rest of the day writing. The prompt was that the kids had a magic object. It could be an ordinary object with magic powers or a made-up object. They had to tell what it was, name it, tell how they got it, describe it and tell an adventure they had with it. The ideas were amazing - a magic sword to kill Satan, a magic tuxedo to make you whoever you wanted to be, an orb that could be used as a time machine. One boy didn't follow the structure I set for them, but his story was so amazing I couldn't get mad. His magic object was a book, and when you got to a certain page, a goblin came out and grabbed you and took you into the book, so his adventure was to destroy the book. He had a cliffhanger and everything! He has plans for two more related stories and he told me he gets his ideas from looking at book covers. Y'all, this boy drives me up a WALL most days, but yesterday he was on fire. I'm so proud of him. (We'll see how long that lasts today ;) )
The boy went to the dr and needed a blood and urine test. I thought, you know, he'd be anxious about the urine test, since that's something you kinda have to do on your own and you don't always get good directions. I had NO idea he had a needle phobia. Wow, he was pretty freaked out. I told Trish because he's so big, sometimes you forget he's just a kid and this is his first experience with these things!
Grey's was okay last night, predictable, I guess, except for those 2 questions at the end. I knew we'd have a Denny Duquette Memorial SOMETHING eventually. And I loved what Bailey told the four surgeons sitting in the hall. (That reminded me of the interns the first season!)
Supernatural was back on top tonight! Wow. I loved Ron, loved (and hated) how the stakes were raised, loved the problem solving. Hated the dirty car, wanted more Sammy, and I'm a little anxious of how long the show can go on with stakes this high.
Can't wait to see it again!
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- MJFredrick
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I think the boys will be able to stay far enough ahead of the FBI that it won't be a focus in every episode. In fact, given some of the stuff Eric Kripke and Robert Singer have been saying about season 3, I'm thinking this might be a major factor then that they are just setting up now. I guess we'll see!
YAY on the good day, Mary!
I love days like that. :-)
Actually, I thought last night's Grey's was better than some of them have been. Be interesting to see what happens with the 2 proposals next week...
I almost lost my dinner watching Supernatural. That shapeshifter skin stuff was sickening. YUK.
But I still lurve the show. :-)
I can't wait to see how they keep ahead of them, Natalie!
Mary Beth, it was awesome. And then Alex, the one with the goblin story, finished his reading test early yesterday and sat down and wrote part 2! He had his friends act it out for the class before lunch.
Allie, Grey's was better than the first few epis, but Six Days rocked my world. Of course, I liked the Amish storyline.
Tanya, I pretended all the shapeshifting stuff was plastic ;)
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