Sunshine and Sequels
SUN! We have SUN! We haven't had sun in over a week!!!! It will go away again tomorrow, so we must enjoy today. I kicked all the animals outside, even though it's still kind of cold (34) because they need to enjoy the SUN.
I slept till 8:15 - LATE for me! Yesterday was a long day, what with getting up, going to the grocery store in the rain (like I had a choice), finding a corsage at the last minute, going to my niece's birthday party and getting the boy off to his dance. I kept falling asleep on the couch waiting for him to come home (at midnight, which was good.)
And all that time I wasn't writing, I was thinking about the sequel I'm going to write to the ghost hunters book. I have three scenes so far. I've never written a sequel before, so this is kind of exciting. And I made the connection yesterday of how I'm going to tie the ghost hunters book all together, because my ending wasn't meshing with the whole "the stories I'm making up are coming true." But I figured out the connection last night. Now, to get writing.
But with the sun out, I don't know if I'll be able to settle down to write!
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- MJFredrick
- I'm a mom, a wife, a teacher and a writer. I have five cats and a dog to keep me company. I love bookstores and libraries and Netflix - movies are my greatest weakness.
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- I Was Up Till 3 Tuesday Reading This
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We have sun today too! It's fabulous and you're reading one of my fave books from last year!
*can't get past the picture...slobbers over Dean a bit*
LOL, Anne!!
Amie, both the sun and the book are great. I have NO idea how she's going to resolve this conflict!
LOL Mary...Satan alone makes the book worth reading!
Amie, he is pretty darn funny! I've only got a third to go - I went to bed early to read last night.
It's stephanie... are you still around?? :)
Stephanie!!! Oh my heavens! Yes! Alive and kicking, lol! What have you been up to? My email is mfechter @
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