More Weird Dreams
My first dream started with my principal going on vacation for a month and me finding out one of my students was my cousin (not so weird in this family.) Then Natalie was there at school with me and we were waiting for my mom to pick us up (we were adults, but my mom teaches at the next school and sometimes we carpool.) As we were driving, the weather was getting worse and worse. We pulled over to a warehouse, and when we did, we looked out and a tornado was coming. Then suddenly the skies were blue, so we went to the other side of the warehouse and looked out, and boom, there was the tornado. People were freaking out and suddenly Dean was there, being his take-charge self. Then I woke up.
When I fell asleep again, I dreamed my dad and his wife were here for the holidays again, and we were caravanning behind my mom and she was getting more and more nervous, so when we ended up at her house, she blew a gasket and kicked them out. My dad was mad, but he wasn’t really here for that, he was here to sabotage a helicopter. Weirdly, he did it with a votive candle. (Okay, two crashing aircraft in my dreams in a week – huh.)
Then, when Dad was done committing treason, we went to an awards ceremony for me, and we were singing Christmas carols, and I woke up right in the middle of “O Holy Night.”
I’ve already been to the grocery store and spent a mint. Should’ve known. But I was out of Diet Coke!
Oh, and I made goals yesterday. I’m going by word count instead of page count. I don’t know why I prefer it – maybe because it changes so much faster??
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- MJFredrick
- I'm a mom, a wife, a teacher and a writer. I have five cats and a dog to keep me company. I love bookstores and libraries and Netflix - movies are my greatest weakness.
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Is that ME that was in your dream? Did I get to be in a dream with Dean? If so, *squeeee*!
I had a dream about him the other night. I've been watching the DVDs again. We didn't interact. He was shopping, and though I was IN the scene, I kept replaying it over and over and over, like there was a clue in it. Or like he looked good leaning on the counter.
Maybe it was both.
So sorry you're sick. I hope you feel better quickly.
Peggy, you may be onto something :) Yep, it's Dean, but he's awfully scrawny in GG. Much better in Supernatural.
Natalie, yep, you and me in the Dean dream! LOL on your Dean dream!
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