What I Found in My Bottom Desk Drawer, Contests and a Challenge
Funny t-shirts here
I cleaned out the desk in my middle room yesterday, probably for the first time since I moved here. Here are ten things I found:
1) Old contest entries - I was in the top ten in one contest and the bottom ten in another with the same entry. (They are now history.)
2) Old notes on Hot Shot. Apparently Gabe's name used to be Nick and Peyton's was Sydney, and she was an aid to a congressman touring the fire. I remember the politician bit because I couldn't figure out how to get her on the fire. I didn't remember they had different names.
3) A complete list of all X-File episodes (and no, I never had a crush on Mulder.)
4) An idea for a new story - a pretty good one!
5) My RWA membership card.
6) A Luc Longley action figure (and now you know my dirty little secret)
7) a dot matrix printout of all the places I sent my first book. TWO PAGES.
8) Hints from Heloise
9) a bunch of manilla envelops and photo paper
10) a risque recipe my best friend sent me in high school
Sadly, I kept most of those things!
I'm debating entering the Fire and Ice contest. Laura Cifelli from NAL is the judge. If I enter, I have to mail it tomorrow - the deadline is Thursday. But what to enter if I do? Something tried and true? Breaking Daylight, even though it isn't finished (but should be by May)? Ghost Hunters isn't close to contest-worthy, very rough draft. Plus it has a crummy title.
NAL rejected Hot Shot, hasn't seen Beneath the Surface or Don't Look Back, so any of those are good choices, too.
Any thoughts?
And the challenge - I've finally discovered that if I don't have SOME structure, I'm not going to get anything done. I'll be on the same story forever, my house will never get clean. I'd finally set weekly word count goals for myself a couple of weeks ago, but I think I need to break it down to daily goals. I mean, I know what's going to happen, I just have to make myself write it. So I'm going for 1,000 words a day till the end of February. Anyone want to join me and keep me honest?
My son found this on You Tube, for you Lost fans. (Even if you aren't!)
Oh, and I bought Dark Angel on DVD yesterday!
About Me

- MJFredrick
- I'm a mom, a wife, a teacher and a writer. I have five cats and a dog to keep me company. I love bookstores and libraries and Netflix - movies are my greatest weakness.
- 400-something words, Satan and Payday!
- Zero Words, Bed at 8:30
- 1034 Words, Nora Roberts and The Merritt Contest
- What I Found in My Bottom Desk Drawer, Contests an...
- A Dream and a Meme
- A Good Teaching Day, Needles, Grey's and Supernatural
- My Chapter Meeting
- Have Y'all Seen This?
- You Say You Want a Resolution....
- Borrrrrrrrrrinnnnnnngggggg
- Stephanie Bose, Where Are You?
- Sunshine and Sequels
- The boy and his date
- I Was Up Till 3 Tuesday Reading This
- Supernatural, Pot Roast, Ice Storm and Then and Now
- Decision and American Idol
- Another Ice Day and a Timeline
- 24, Snow Day!!! (Okay, Ice Day) and My Dilemma
- 5 Crazy Things
- Distractions
- Seven of Cups
- Redemption
- Finished!!!
- Character Motivation
- Turning Points
- Plotting Retreat
- Writer Linkage
- I Shouldn't Have Watched Dark Angel Before I Went ...
- More Weird Dreams
- NIghtmares and Theme
- 20 Years
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