43 Degrees, Edits and Pet Peeves


Yes, it is almost 30 degrees colder this AM than yesterday. I even snoozed the alarm, which is okay because we're testing today and I can wear jeans and don't really have to plan my day.

Yesterday I was supposed to take the boy to another HS for a band try-out. I worried all day how I would get there in time. I left school early to come home to load his gear myself, thinking it would save time when I picked him up from his HS.

I walked into the house and he was here. He'd stayed home sick, but neither he nor his father thought to call me. GRRR. Needless to say, he didn't go to the band try-out.

I also got my first round of edits for Hot Shot. Gulp. I got through 66 pages of minor stuff in 2 hours yesterday before my eyes started crossing. Only, what, 190 pages to go.

I lost one of my best students yesterday, and I'm getting a new student today, a boy. I do not like getting new students. It never fails to upset the class balance.

Grouchy Mary here, with pet peeves.

1) gated communities
a) gated communities where the code pads aren’t lit except for a street light that doesn’t give off any more light than the most distant star
i. lack of streetlights. What is UP with that? We hardly have any streetlights anymore, even on highways!
b) gated communities that don’t have street signs
2) online shops that charge outrageous shipping fees
3) online shops that don’t allow you to deduct a gift card (to a store you do not have in your STATE) and pay the rest another way, so you get gypped out of the full amount of the gift card.
4) Cleaning house, since it just gets dirty again the minute you turn your back.
5) Being the only one in the family who knows
a) where the recycle bin is
b) where the dishwasher is
c) where the hamper is
d) where the washing machine is
e) where the empty garbage bags are
f) where the phone charger is
6) having to sign into MySpace EVERY TIME, even if it’s been less than an hour since my last visit.
7) People talking in movie theaters the WHOLE TIME. Both times I saw PS I LOVE YOU by myself, the women behind me talked the WHOLE time.
8) Inservice where the speaker makes you move around and sit with people you don’t normally sit with. What is WRONG with being comfortable?
9) People who don’t do their job. These people have been working on the walkways at school since JULY. Covered walkways. Yes, they laid down new cement, but since JULY, people. They’ve built a new Freddy’s Steakburger across the highway in less time than it’s taken them to make COVERED WALKWAYS. Which means that I have to park at the opposite end of the school from my classroom. God forbid I have more than two armfuls of things to carry. Seriously, FINISH YOUR JOB.
10) Construction
11) People who see the sign that says “Right Lane Closed” and still drive up to the VERY edge and push in in front of everyone else who can, you know, READ.



KATZ said...

LOL, poor Mary. I'm feeling you.

Sad to say, I have become one of those annoying people who wait until the last second to merge. LOL
Whole lanes on the freeway would be STOPPED because of this kind of behavior before a toll-booth, and it made me furious to sit there so long. So I chose "join them."
On the way home, there's even this lane that ends for no reason... it's not uncommon for me to drive through the painted shoulder! Shocks even me. ;)

MJFredrick said...

SARAH!!! I never would have suspected!!!

My buddy Cindi does it too. Still, I'm shaking my head ;)


M.J. Fredrick's books on Goodreads
Breaking DaylightBreaking Daylight
ratings: 11 (avg rating 3.33)

Beneath the SurfaceBeneath the Surface
ratings: 11 (avg rating 4.00)

Hot ShotHot Shot (Samhain)
reviews: 2
ratings: 10 (avg rating 4.00)

Where There's SmokeWhere There's Smoke
ratings: 6 (avg rating 4.00)

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I'm a mom, a wife, a teacher and a writer. I have five cats and a dog to keep me company. I love bookstores and libraries and Netflix - movies are my greatest weakness.
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Where There's Smoke

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