If I Only Had Some Plans....
moar funny pictures
I'd call in today, but I didn't plan anything.
I'm ALMOST done with Hot Shot. I wanted to finish last night, but by the time I got home from taking the boy to Borders (twice, because as soon as we exited the highway, he realized he'd forgotten his coupon and Borders bucks so I turned around to get them), eating dinner (Firehouse Subs...mmmm), nearly getting creamed on the way home by a kid in a Bronco talking on the phone and changing lanes without looking, and talking to my mom on the phone, it was almost 8. Then the boy decided to plink on his mandolin while watching Stephen Colbert. I put on headphones but they were wonky. So I decided to wake up early to finish. Behold my success.
And I dreamed the GREATEST line last night....but have no time to write a story around it!!!
Oh, and my Supernatural magazine came Tuesday, FINALLY. I opened it yesterday and it has an interview with JDM and a POSTER!!!! Where I'll put it, I don't know.....
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- MJFredrick
- I'm a mom, a wife, a teacher and a writer. I have five cats and a dog to keep me company. I love bookstores and libraries and Netflix - movies are my greatest weakness.
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Yay Mary! Congrats!
YAY Mary! HUGS on the almost accident. WHAT is wrong with people?1?
Thanks, guys. Feels GOOD to be done. I wanted to write on my beloved story today, but I'm soooo tired, and still have to go get the boy.
Your cat pics are cracking me up lately... the one today is hilarious! :)
I love this one, too, Sarah! Seems they come in waves....
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