So, I did it....

11 1/2 years of trying to get published, and I got an agent yesterday. She's so enthusiastic about Hot Shot, and I think she'll keep me focused. I owe a big thanks to my friend Diane for recommending her agent, and to Trish for encouraging me to submit one late night when we were emailing. From submission to the phone call was just under a month - the fastest thing that's ever happened to me in this business!

So she wants revisions to Hot Shot. I'm taking the rest of the week off from writing, I think, to clean my house and catch up on life before I dive into those this weekend.


Anonymous said...

Yay, Mary!!! That's fantastic :) You sooo deserve this. I'm still doing a happy dance for you this morning, and will probably be at it, for the rest of the week. Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Mary! I'm so glad your hard work is paying off.

Stephanie said...

Major happy dance! YAY!!! Mary, you're such an inspiration. Can we ask who the agent is? Yes, I'm a nosey woman : )

Soooo pleased for you!!!!

Shesawriter said...

Congrats, Mary! Your hard work has paid off. This is wonderful news!!!

Big hugs,

Tanya (doing a happy dance for Mary)

Toni Anderson said...

Congratulations Mary!!! Hope the agent gets you where you want to go!!!!

Trish Milburn said...

I'm seeing how many places I can say congratulations! :) Wow, nearly a month since we e-mailed about this that night. Time flies. It only seems like a couple of weeks ago.

MicheleKS said...

Congratulations, Mary! That's wonderful!

Gina Black said...

This is GREAT news. :) So happy for you!!

Anonymous said...

Mary, I'm SO thrilled for you! CONGRATS!!!!

Elizabeth Kerri Mahon said...

Congrats Mary! Doing the happy dance for you. Can a chance encounter with Gerard be far behind?

Anonymous said...

Mar, I've said this other places, but again, WAY TO GO, MAR! I'm glad you found an agent, and I know this is what you need to go where you want to go!!! I'm so proud of you, Mar.

So is Damien. :)


Marianne Arkins said...

Well done!! A BIG, wonderful step for you. Can't wait to get my (autographed?) copy of Hot Shot!

Silma said...

That's totally awesome news! Congrats!

MJFredrick said...

Wow, thanks, guys!!!! This is just really overwhelming!!!

The agent is Emily Sylvan Kim, who just started Prospect Agency. She's very excited about this book, which makes me excited about it (remember, I was hating it two weeks ago). And she's fast, lemme tell you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Mary! So excited for you!!

April said...

Congratulations Mary!! Woo Hoo!!!!!! Now you've got someone else fighting to sell your work too. And even better, it's someone who knows what she's doing! Can't wait to pass the champagne when you sell!

Anonymous said...

Hoody-hoody-wooh! (Had to come up with a new noise. All the others were already taken.)

Big congratulations and cyber champagne!!

MJFredrick said...

Thanks, Esri! Love the new noise! Thanks, Michelle and April! Yes, ESK does seem to know what she's doing! Mostly I love her enthusiasm.

Jill Monroe said...

Yea, Mary - I'm soooo excited for you!

Anonymous said...

How did I miss this!! Oh I've been so out of the loop lately!

Wooo-WHOOOO!!! this is fabulous! Congratulatiosn!!!!

Kelly (Lynn) Parra said...

Mary, just found out!! Woo-hoo! Congrats!! What wonderful news. I'm so happy for you!!!

MJFredrick said...

Thanks, Jill, Tess and Kelly! I don't think it's actually sunk in yet.

Amie Stuart said...

Awwwww I've been a bad blogger! How did I miss this??

Congrats babe you sooooooooo deserve it! I'm so happy for you!!!!!!!

MJFredrick said...

Thanks, Stef and Cece!!

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M.J. Fredrick's books on Goodreads
Breaking DaylightBreaking Daylight
ratings: 11 (avg rating 3.33)

Beneath the SurfaceBeneath the Surface
ratings: 11 (avg rating 4.00)

Hot ShotHot Shot (Samhain)
reviews: 2
ratings: 10 (avg rating 4.00)

Where There's SmokeWhere There's Smoke
ratings: 6 (avg rating 4.00)

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I'm a mom, a wife, a teacher and a writer. I have five cats and a dog to keep me company. I love bookstores and libraries and Netflix - movies are my greatest weakness.
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Where There's Smoke

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